
Touch of Brave Women Make Men More

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When couples are afraid, hesitant, or nervous, which dibutuhkann is a touch and your warm embrace. Men feel more secure and risk-taking after a woman's touch. The conclusion was based on research from Columbia University, United States.

Research has shown that a simple pat on the back of the back or a handshake by a woman, could make him more confident and risk-taking, in terms of finance.

Touch such a man has many opportunities to get more money. Effects do not appear when a touch is given to a man.

Volunteers are treated in different ways, some by women and some by men. There is provided a touch on the shoulder, some with a handshake, and some without physical contact. All were evaluated based on their sense of security.

"The man who is touched by a woman feel more secure and willing to take greater risks than those who did not. The effect is stronger when the woman touched the back and handshakes, but the effect is lost when the man touched the other man," said Jonathan Levav, an assistant professor at Columbia University is quoted from page Idiva.

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